sábado, outubro 21, 2006
  Lés Métèques
Dans la Grèce antique, le terme de métèque désigne l'étranger domicilié dans une cité autre que celle dont il est originaire. Les Grecs différencient le métèque, étranger résidant, de l'étranger de passage.
Post: Kourtajme Video: 28millimetres Fonte: LetraAlSueno
Vale a pena ter paciência e ver o vídeo (clickar a imagem)
A sub-cultura urbana, a arte que nasce do grito...
quarta-feira, outubro 18, 2006
  The streets are deserted
But there's sounds at every corner, the clink clink of the sprays as they are shaken down.
A spray steams out, fffrrr creating three or four patches of colour.
It's like the urge to clean up your mouth.
Purging the nozzle.

sábado, abril 29, 2006
  Waclaw Wantuch

One of the deepest pleasures in life is looking.

Simply looking...
segunda-feira, abril 24, 2006
  Stop starring at me!


Can't find something to do?
Aren't you even gonna kiss me?

sexta-feira, abril 21, 2006
  Yuri Dojc

No foreign sky protected us,
No stranger's wing shielded our face.
We stand as witnesses to the common lot,
survivors of that time, that place. (Anna Akhmatova)

quinta-feira, dezembro 22, 2005
  Streets in Brasil

JesseR Fotolog

There is no cities in the world where graffiti art doesn't exist in its any kind of form.
segunda-feira, dezembro 19, 2005
  Wall run

The cat leap

The way is the path of silence.
Cut across town quietly at your own speed.
Concentrate on footwork, your touch, your own sensibility.
Look for cat-like silence and you will find the path...
This is the way
Sebastien Foucan
sábado, dezembro 17, 2005
  Baza, Baza... Abre a pestana, tana

s vezes melhor um gajo nem se levantar
Mais vale ficar o dia inteiro na cama a sonhar
Tanta coisa na minha cabea p'ra me preocupar
Tanta coisa nesta vida de merda para pensar
Sem dinheiro no fcil no desanimar

Baza, baza
Vai p'ra casa, casa
Abre a pestana, tana
Isto aki no um filme, boy

Se no paro de pensar vou enlouquecer
akela merda pode tocar mas no vou atender
Vou pr o som a rappar o mais alto que puder
mulho que souber nas lojas disponivel para quem quiser
Put your hands in the air and bounce to this

mesmo assim yoh, tu sabes k yoh, qu' k vais fazer yoh

baza, baza, isto aki no um filme boy
baza, baza real mesmo assim yoh
baza, baza, deixem o ac em paz yoh
baza, baza eu quero paz e amor, s

(Boss AC)
quarta-feira, dezembro 07, 2005
  Different environments

Palestine West Bank (Woostercollective)

Different environment,

different meanings of image,
Urban Art is probably one of the most important art movements of our of time.
domingo, dezembro 04, 2005
  Robin des Halls

Je suis l'artiste des âmes perdues
Je suis là pour foutre la merde quand le rêve est interdit
Je suis là pour mettre un terme et contrer toutes ces conneries
Les écoutent pas, c'est d'la merde tout c'qu'ils racontent
Le rap de rue, c'est d'la merde, ils vous prennent pour des cons
Se font des thunes sur vot' dos et vous laissent dans vot' merde

Moi quand je rappe, mon rêve c'est qu'on s'élève
Parc'que j't'aime plus que tu n't'aimes toi-même
Et je sais qu'je suis seul, j'erre tel un touareg
Appelle-moi Robin des halls
Appelle-moi Robin du bled
Si j'pend leur oseille, c'est pour qu'on s'achète des ailes

Disiz la Peste
quinta-feira, dezembro 01, 2005
  Art crimes


Urban art involve so many people now in the world,
that I can say something really strong is happening in the chain evolution of art.
terça-feira, novembro 29, 2005

Move like an animal.
Be fluid like water.
Find your own balance.

This is the path of the Traceur.
quinta-feira, novembro 24, 2005
  The Monkey Vault

Le Parkour

La passion fait vivre, la sagesse fait durer.
  Le Parkour


C'est l'art du déplacement, une discipline fondée par Sébastien Foucan et son ami d'enfance David Belle.
Cet art est une nouvelle façon d'appréhender l'environnement qui nous entour avec, pour seul outil, le corps humain.

C'est aussi la connaissance de soi même, faire face à ses propres appréhensions, car les obstacles ne sont pas toujours ce que l'ont croi...
Ceux qui pratiquent le Parkour sont des traceurs d'un art de vivre avec une philosophie de tous les jours...
  Sentences on Conceptual Art 32

Sol LeWitt, 2002 Splotch

Banal ideas cannot be rescued by beautiful execution.
(Sol Lewitt 1969)
quarta-feira, novembro 23, 2005
  Sentences on Conceptual Art 31

Donald Judd, 1973/1981/1988 untitleds

If an artist uses the same form in a group of works,
and changes the material,
one would assume the artist's concept involved the material.
(Sol Lewitt 1969)
terça-feira, novembro 22, 2005
  Sentences on Conceptual Art 30

Sol LeWitt, Concentric irregular

There are many elements involved in a work of art.
The most important are the most obvious.
(Sol Lewitt 1969)
segunda-feira, novembro 21, 2005
  Sentences on Conceptual Art 29

Sol LeWitt, Tondo Stars 2002

The process is mechanical and should not be tampered with.
It should run its course.
(Sol Lewitt 1969)
sexta-feira, novembro 11, 2005
  Sentences on Conceptual Art 28

Hall Held 1973 Solar Wind

Once the idea of the piece is established in the artist's mind and the final form is decided, the process is carried out blindly.
There are many side effects that the artist cannot imagine.
These may be used as ideas for new works.
(Sol Lewitt 1969)
quinta-feira, novembro 10, 2005
  Sentences on Conceptual Art 27

Caufman 1968

The concept of a work of art may involve the matter of the piece or the process in which it is made.
(Sol Lewitt 1969)
terça-feira, novembro 08, 2005
  Sentences on Conceptual Art 26

Sol Lewitt 2005 Dark to Light

An artist may perceive the art of others better than his own.
(Sol Lewitt 1969)
sexta-feira, novembro 04, 2005
  Sentences on Conceptual Art 25

Kenneth Noland 1969 Misty dirt

The artist may not necessarily understand his own art.
His perception is neither better nor worse than that of others.
(Sol Lewitt 1969)
quinta-feira, novembro 03, 2005
  Sentences on Conceptual Art 24

Sol Lewitt 2005 lines

Perception is subjective.
segunda-feira, outubro 31, 2005
  Sentences on Conceptual Art 22

Sol Lewitt 2001 wall

The artist cannot imagine his art, and cannot perceive it until it is complete.
(Sol Lewitt 1969)
terça-feira, outubro 25, 2005
  Sentences on Conceptual Art

Mac Cracken 1988 Sagittarius

19. The conventions of art are altered by works of art.
20. Successful art changes our understanding of the conventions by altering our perceptions.
21. Perception of ideas leads to new ideas.

(Sol Lewitt 1969)
  Sentences on Conceptual Art 18

Mac Cracken 1989

One usually understands the art of the past by applying the convention of the present, thus misunderstanding the art of the past.
(Sol Lewitt 1969)

sexta-feira, outubro 21, 2005
  Sentences on Conceptual Art 13

Al-Held 1969 Phoenicia

A work of art may be understood as a conductor from the artist's mind to the viewer's.
But it may never reach the viewer, or it may never leave the artist's mind.
(Sol Lewitt 1969)
  Sentences on Conceptual Art 12

Al-Held 1969 B W XX

For each work of art that becomes physical there are many variations that do not.
(Sol Lewitt 1969)
terça-feira, outubro 18, 2005
  Sentences on Conceptual Art 11

Mac Cracken Group 2004

Ideas do not necessarily proceed in a logical order.
They may set one off in unexpected directions, but an idea must necessarily be completed in mind before the next one is formed.
(Sol Lewitt 1969)
  Sentences on Conceptual Art 10

Tony Smith, 1964 Wall

Ideas can be works of art.
They are in a chain of development that may eventually find some form.
All ideas need not be made physical.
(Sol Lewitt 1969)
sexta-feira, outubro 14, 2005
  Sentences on Conceptual Art 5

Frank Stella 1970, Ofir

Irrational thoughts should be followed absolutely and logically (Sol Lewitt 1969)
  Sentences on Conceptual Art 4

Frank Stella 1970, Creede

Formal art is essentially rational (Sol Lewitt 1969)

  Sentences on Conceptual Art 3

Tony Smith 1963

Irrational judgements lead to new experience
(Sol Lewitt 1969)
quinta-feira, outubro 13, 2005
  Sentences on Conceptual Art 2

Tony Smith 1962

Rational judgements repeat rational judgements
(Sol Lewitt 1969)
  Sentences on Conceptual Art 1

Tony Smith 1959

Conceptual artists are mystics rather than rationalists.
They leap to conclusions that logic cannot reach.
(Sol Lewitt 1969)
terça-feira, outubro 11, 2005
  Minimal Art

Donald Judd 1974

O Minimalismo abstracto tem como referencia o famoso Black Square de Malevitch, mas só surge em força na década de 60, nos Estados Unidos, como reacção ao Expressionismo abstracto da Action Painting.

Defende a simplicidade, racionalidade e economia de meios, desenvolvendo uma arte despojada de referencias não essenciais. Considero um dos píncaros da Arte Moderna do século passado, cuja influencia se estendeu à Música, à Literatura e à Arquitectura; o Minimalismo esteve sempre no cerne do Modernismo.

Mas num ponto discordo dos teóricos deste movimento (ou nunca o entendi); O Minimalismo defendia que a obra de arte não devia referir-se a outra coisa que não o próprio objecto (daí que muitas vezes usem a designação"untitled");

Não acho. Penso que a Arte tem um carácter instrumental, e a obra serve para nos mostrar mais do que o que lá está; aliás o principal é o que lá não está.

Por detrás do que é dito esconde-se (mas sugere-se) o que o que não é dito.

Essa é a Arte e daí a beleza da economia de meios tão cara ao Minimalismo.

segunda-feira, outubro 10, 2005

Frank Stella 1995, Ambergis

"Color is the keyboard, the eyes are the harmonies, the soul is the piano with many strings.

The artist is the hand that plays, touching one key or another, to cause vibrations in the soul."

(Wassily Kandinsky)

Kandinsky teorizou a analogia entre Pintura e Música relacionando, por exemplo, as tonalidades das cores com os timbres sonoros, ou a saturação com o volume de som.
Dizia mesmo que, ouvindo a música, via-lhe as cores.
quarta-feira, outubro 05, 2005
  As linhas

Deslizando nos planos revelando os sentidos.

Ellsworth Kelly 1966
Melon Leaf

  As texturas

Os vibrantes tecidos tácteis que são a pele dos espaços.

Ellsworth Kelly 2004

  As formas

Desenham campos mágicos em círculos, triangulos, quadrados...

Ellsworth Kelly 1988
Blue curve

A minha foto
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